Leadership Team
- Ms K Colligan | Principal
- Mr S Carragher | Vice Principal
- Mrs L Rejaei | Assistant Principal
- Mrs J Sharkey | Assistant Principal/DSL
- Mr M Illman | Assistant Principal
- Miss L Henry | Assistant Principal
- Mrs D Walker | Business Manager
- Miss C Taylor | PA/HR to Principal
- Mr J Daniels | Faculty Leader
- Miss E Dollman | Assistant Faculty Leader
- Ms L Bosley | Teacher/Year 8 Achievement Coordinator
- Ms J Brook | Teacher
- Mrs R Elliott | Teacher
- Mrs L Martin-Burrows | Teacher
- Mrs R Roberts | Teacher
- Mr J Cassidy | Faculty Leader
- Mr P Smith | Assistant Faculty Leader
- Mrs F Loonat | Teacher
- Ms C Durrance | Teacher/Year 9 Achievement Coordinator
- Mr S Winder | Teacher
- Miss F Merritt | Teacher
- Mrs O Vishnyakov | Teacher
- Mr D Mathers | Interim P/T Teacher
Religious Education
- Mrs F Graham | Interim Faculty Leader
- Mrs L Pickles | Teacher/Year 7 Achievement Coordinator
- Mrs J Kesterlian | Teacher/Leader of PSHCE
- Miss S Croke | Teacher
- Mr J Bradley | Interim Teacher
- Mr J Barker | Faculty Leader
- Mrs N Eades | Assistant Faculty Leader
- Mrs E Deighton | Teacher/Year 11 Achievement Coordinator
- Mr S Saleem | Teacher
- Miss K Travas | Teacher/Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator
- Mrs D Howells | Teacher
- Mrs R Shearer | Teacher
Creative Arts
- Mrs H Houston | Faculty Leader
- Mr R Soond | Teacher of Art
- Mrs K Sidwell | Head of Music
- Mrs L Sheldon | Leader of Drama
- Ms J Mulcahy | Teacher of Drama and Music
- Miss A Sharpe | Co-Faculty Leader
- Mrs R McDonnell | Co-Faculty Leader
- Mr J Smith | Teacher
- Miss R Woffenden | Faculty Leader
- Miss R Banham | Teacher
- Miss S Croke | Teacher
- Mr U Butt | Faculty Leader
- Mr P Slater | Teacher
- Mrs C Da Costa | Faculty Leader
- Mrs E Williamson | Teacher
- Miss P Tabachenko | Teacher
- Mr D McCallum | Faculty Leader
- Mrs K MacIntyre | Assistant Faculty Leader
- Miss A Keegan | Teacher/Year 10 Achievement Coordinator
- Mr C Power | Teacher/Co-Curricular and Disadvantaged Coordinator
- Mrs L Hennigan | Subject Leader of Textiles and 3D Design Technology
- Miss T Baldry | Subject Leader of Food & Nutrition
- Mrs S Chabowski | SENDCo
- Ms J Berry | Assistant SENDCo
- Mrs J Sharkey | Assistant Principal/DSL
- Mrs L Plunkett-Clegg | Safeguarding Manager/Deputy DSL
- Mrs M Stott | Interim Safeguarding Support Officer
Behaviour Team
- Mr L Horner | Behaviour Manager
- Mrs G Cooke | Year 7 Behaviour Coordinator
- Mrs J Taylor | Year 8 Behaviour Coordinator
- Mrs T Nash | Year 9 Behaviour Coordinator
- Mrs G Dennis | Year 10 Behaviour Coordinator
- Mrs L Pearce | Year 11 Behaviour Coordinator
- Miss A Nimrod | Behaviour Coordinator – Inclusion
- Mr P Lombard | Behaviour Coordinator – Reflection
Support Staff
- Mrs S Rhys-Hill | Lay Chaplain
- Mrs C Austwick | Business Support Officer – Receptionist
- Mrs S Flaherty | Business Support Officer – Reprographics
- Vacancy | Business Support Officer – Student Services
- Vacancy | Business Support Officer
- Mrs K Sadler | Pastoral Administrator
- Mrs H Hall | SEND Administrator
- Vacancy | Data Manager
- Ms S Hussain | Attendance Officer
- Miss A Zdunek | Business Support Officer – Attendance Admin
- Miss D Gilbert | Student Welfare Officer/First Aid (Mon-Tues)
- Miss S Holdsworth | Student Welfare Officer/First Aid (Wed-Fri)
- Vacancy | Exams Officer
- Mrs D Burnside | School Librarian
- Ms D Casson | C&K Careers Adviser
- Ms J Hirst | Advanced Business Support Officer – Finance
- Mrs D Williams | Finance Assistant
- Mr D Rowe | IT Network Manager
- Mr J Mulkerrin | Senior IT Technician
- Mrs L Rostron | Cover Supervisor Manager
- Vacancy | Cover Supervisor
- Mrs B Martin | Cover Supervisor
- Mrs C Butterworth | Educational Teaching Assistant
- Mrs H Jamieson | Educational Teaching Assistant
- Vacancy | Educational Teaching Assistant
- Miss C S Taylor | Educational Teaching Assistant
- Mrs N Williamson | Educational Teaching Assistant
- Mrs M Mohsin | Educational Teaching Assistant
- Miss L Skotnicki | Educational Teaching Assistant
- Vacancy | Educational Teaching Assistant
- Mr R Plunkett | Educational Teaching Assistant / Cover Supervisor (Maths)
- Vacancy | Educational Teaching Assistant / Cover Supervisor (English)
- Mrs T Bailey | Educational Support Assistant
- Mrs C Billingham | Advanced Science Technician
- Mr S Blackburn | Science Technician
- Miss K Roe | Food Technician
- Mr M Walker | Premises Manager
- Mr A Turley | Assistant Caretaker
- Mrs D Rowley | Lunchtime Supervisor
- Mrs S Ahmad | Lunchtime Supervisor
- Mrs M Lis | Lunchtime Supervisor/Art Technician
- Mrs P Thornton | Food Technology Technician