The Virtues at All Saints Catholic College
Virtues are qualities that we practise in order to help us become the best version of ourselves.
In our community at All Saints, we are focusing on 5 main virtues.
- LOVE: To do everything for God, for others and for self with kindness.
- SERVICE: To work together for the benefit of everyone.
- FAITH: To be guided by faith in all that we do, trusting in God.
- COURAGE: Doing the right thing even when it is difficult.
- RESPECT: To have respect for ourselves, each other, and our environment.

To do everything for God, for others and for self with kindness.
As a virtue, love means something a little different from the common meaning of love.
- Love means accepting someone as they are.
- Love means caring for others and caring about others.
- Love means thinking about other people before thinking about yourself.
- Love is lived out through simple acts of kindness.

To work together for the benefit of everyone.
As a virtue, service means the following:
- You put other people’s needs before your own.
- You want to make a difference to their lives.
- You look for ways to help others rather than waiting to be asked.
- You always follow the “golden rule” to treat others with the respect and kindness that you want for yourself.

To be guided by faith in all that we do trusting in God.
- Is to trust.
- Faith helps us to grow in friendship with Jesus and his friendship helps us to be the best we can be by becoming more like him.
- It is about having faith in the actions of others.
- It is having faith in God’s plan for us.

Doing the right thing even when it is difficult.
- Having courage is believing in yourself.
- It is about doing the right thing even if others are not.
- It is about speaking out when you see injustice.
- It is about keeping going when things become difficult.

To have respect for ourselves, each other, and our environment.
- You show respect when you treat other people as you would like to be treated.
- You treat people with kindness not because of who they are or what they have done, but because, like you, they have a God-given dignity.
- You respect yourself so that you have the confidence to be yourself and not give in to things you know are wrong, or not to give in to those who want you to do things you don’t want to do.
- You show respect for creation through your care for nature.