Our curriculum is underpinned by Catholic beliefs and the teachings of the Gospels. Our Focus Virtues identify the qualities we practise helping us become the best version of ourselves. At All Saints, our Focus Virtues permeate everything we do. We focus on providing students explicit and implicit opportunities to demonstrate Love, Service, Faith, Courage and Respect so that they flourish as learners and have a positive impact in our community. Our curriculum will develop virtuous young people who are able to grow and flourish and fulfil their God-given potential.
We believe it is essential to build confidence and fluency in the fundamental skills of literacy, oracy and numeracy. Our curriculum will equip students with high value basic skills so that they can increase their chances of securing their desired future role in society.
Our curriculum has the National Curriculum at its core and looks for opportunities to extend beyond, as appropriate. It is knowledge-rich, with opportunities for the application of developed skills to support our students to be independent lifelong learners. It builds cultural capital to address disadvantage, celebrates diversity and is unashamedly ambitious for the progress of our students. The curriculum provides students with new experiences, powerful knowledge and enrichment opportunities beyond the classroom that broaden their horizons and successfully prepares them for the next stage of their lives and learning journey.
Further information can be sought in the associated policies on this website for example, the SEND policy and the Accessibility policy.
The specifics of what we want a student to learn matter. People become empowered through knowledge and through expert delivery, this is not left to chance. By providing our students with a knowledge-rich curriculum we hope to make them more rounded members of society.
Our curriculum will provide students opportunities to practise and apply skills which will enhance our students’ ability to remember new information. Application of these skills at regular intervals in the curriculum will increase their ability to transfer practised skills to new and more complex problems. Our intention is that the cognitive gains made by doing this will bring about more motivation for learning. By increasing the independence of our learners through application of skills students will build confidence and self–esteem and help them to become the best version of themselves.