
Consent Form for processing pupils' personal data

At All Saints Catholic College, we use information about your child in a number of different ways, and we would like your consent for some of the ways we use this personal data. If you are not happy for us to use this information in the ways we have listed below, we will accommodate your preferences. Similarly, if you change your mind you can resubmit this form which is located under the parents’ section of the website.

Why are we asking for your consent? You may be aware that new Data Protection rules came into force on 25th May 2018. To ensure we are meeting the new requirements we need to seek your consent for some of the ways we use information about your child.

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Pupil Name
I am happy for the school to take general photos of my child:
I am happy for photos of my child to appear on the school website and Twitter.
I am happy for photos of my child to appear in the school newsletter.
I am happy for photos of my child to be used in printed school materials, for example, the school prospectus etc.
I am happy for photos of my child to be used on internal displays in and around school:
I am happy for photos of my child to be used in the press, for example local newspapers.
I am happy for the school to take videos of my child and use the videos for promotional purposes, such as the school website.
(Online Payments) I agree to my child being included in this process.
We operate an internet based system to facilitate online payments. This system meets fully with GDPR.
(Catering Services - Personal Data) I agree to my child being included in this process.
Our catering services operates a 3rd party system which enables them to view pupils name, photograph and registration form. This is so they can confirm their identity when purchasing items.
(Catering Services - Biometric Data) I agree to my child being included in this process.
Our catering services also operate a 3rd party system which uses biometric thumb print scanning, this is used to speed up the payment/identification process.
I agree that my child can have a school email address.
The school will create an email address for each student to be kept informed of school related work and activities.
3rd Party sharing of Data
Sometimes we need to share data to 3rd parties in the performance of our public task and therefore consent is not required. Some examples of these are: The Census; this is a legal requirement where encrypted data is sent to the Government. Local Education Authority for Education Welfare services etc. Schools are required to share relevant personal data (name, date of birth, gender) to awarding bodies for the purpose of examining and awarding qualifications. Any and all data is sent via secure means, either via the providers secure portal or via password encrypted files. Additional data such as medical etc for access requirements where required will be sourced on an individual basis.
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018
Schools, Local Education Authorities and the Children and Young People's Service all hold information on pupils in order to run the education system and in doing so have to follow the Data Protection Act 2018. This means amongst other things, that the data held about pupils must only be used for specific purposes allowed by law. The school holds information on pupils in order to support their teaching and learning, to monitor and report on their progress, to provide appropriate pastoral care and to assess how well the School as a whole is doing. This information includes contact details, National Curriculum assessment results, attendance information, ethnic group information, special education needs and any relevant medical information. If you have any queries relating to the consent form please email: SO'
An email will be sent to you to confirm your submission. We recommend you keep this as a record of your wishes. You can resubmit the form at any time should you wish to change your options.