The wearing of College uniform is compulsory as it maintains a sense of equality and encourages identity with pride in the College. Uniforms are available at Term Time Wear and Natasha Schoolwear in Huddersfield, whilst the plain uniform with no slogans or badges can be purchased at any clothing retailer.
- Blazer: Grey College blazer with the College badge must be worn at all times. The only lapel badges to be worn are those awarded by College.
- Jumper: A grey V-neck jumper with the College badge may be worn (optional). Alternatively, a plain grey V-neck jumper with no slogans or badges
- College Shirt: A white shirt fastened at the collar. Shirts must be tucked in. Open neck blouses are not acceptable.
- Trousers: Black tailored trousers. Black jean type, skinny fit, tight trousers or leggings are not acceptable.
- Tie: College tie must be attached to the fastened top button on the shirt collar. Also available through school.
- Shoes: Wear plain black smart leather school-type shoes. Sensible shoes remain essential for the safety of students. and slip on ‘ballet-style’ or ‘Holiday’ footwear is not appropriate in College. Fashion shoes, pumps, boots, crocs, trainers or a casual sporty silhouette are not acceptable. Any sport-branded footwear will not be accepted. For more guidance on acceptable shoes for school please click here: Acceptable Shoes
- Socks: Plain black or white socks.
- Outdoor Clothing: An outdoor coat of a sensible style. Coats, hats, scarves and gloves etc. must not be worn indoors.
We are one of many schools around the country who have decided not to include skirts as part of the uniform items of clothing. The decision was not made lightly, but we consulted with students via our Student Council and they supported the change. Having a uniform which is gender neutral will help to reduce any issues around inappropriate or unacceptable clothing. This will allow staff and students to focus all their attention on teaching, learning and the enjoyment of being at school.
Not Acceptable
- Lycra Pants
- Tight Fashion Trousers
- Skirts
- Trainers
- Leggings or Jeans
- Excessive Make-up
- Nail Varnish or False Nails
- False Eyelashes
- Piercings
- Extreme Hairstyles including unnatural hair colours, patterns and tramlines.

We ask you to ensure that your son or daughter is sent to College wearing full uniform to a standard that reflects well on the College. We expect our students to wear their uniform with pride in being recognised as a member of the All Saints Community. Our uniform rules do not alter with the whims of fashion. Students must not have extreme hair colours or styles. Body piercing is not permitted. Jewellery is not to be worn for school, except for: a watch, cross and chain worn underneath the school shirt, and a single bangle/bracelet worn as a religious observance.

College Bag
A sturdy, waterproof bag is necessary to carry books, planner and equipment. Books and equipment are expensive and a good quality bag is the only suitable item to carry them in.
PE Kit
The items listed below can be purchased at our uniform stockists with the College logo on. Alternatively, plain clothing with no slogans or badges is acceptable and widely available from any clothing retailer.
- Black Polo Shirt/T-Shirt
- Black Socks
- Black shorts
- Black Rugby/Hockey shirt
- Football/Hockey boots
- Shin pads
- Trainers
- Black tracksuit bottoms (no zips)
- Black hooded sweatshirt
- Sports Leggings (no zips)
Blazer, Tie and PE Kit Suppliers
Term Time Wear (TTW) Retailers
5 St. Johns Road,
Tel: 01484 453 534
Natasha Schoolwear
2 Buxton Way Road,
Tel: 01484 431260
All Saints Catholic College (Tie Only)
Bradley Road,
Tel: 01484 426466