The College offers a broad range of opportunities as part of our careers education, information, advice and guidance programme.
To deliver outstanding practice in careers education, information, advice and guidance at All Saints Catholic College.
To provide a programme that builds on learning from year 7 to year 11 and is mapped to Gatsby Benchmarks and The CDI Framework.
Ready for work, ready for life, ready for anything.
At All Saints Catholic College, our mission is to put Christ at the centre of our community. In loving and serving God and one another, we encourage everyone to flourish through learning and being the best version of themselves to fulfil their potential and realise their aspirations.
Young people are faced with a complex set of demands when preparing for their future careers. All Saints Catholic College aims to raise expectations and aspirations and provide opportunities for our students to learn, demonstrate and evidence their employability character, enabling them to evolve successfully to take their next steps into employment of further study.
All Saints Catholic College has a statutory duty to provide independent careers guidance from Years 8 to 11 (DfE Statutory Guidance January 2023) and ensure that it is presented in an impartial manner, includes information on the range of education or training options, including apprenticeships and other vocational pathways, and is considered to promote the best interests of each individual student.
Careers Guidance is based on a partnership with students and their parents or carers. The programme raises aspirations, challenges stereotyping and actively promotes equality and diversity.
If you are a young person living in Calderdale or Kirklees and need careers information, advice and guidance but are unable to get in touch with your C+K careers adviser in school, you can also talk to a C+K adviser via the C+K Chat service. Advisers can help with your next steps including:
- choosing subjects in Year 8 or Year 9
- exploring post-16 or post-18 options
- applications to sixth form or college
- applications for jobs and apprenticeships
- writing a CV
- information about different courses, careers and qualifications.
You can contact a C+K careers adviser via the Chat service, Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm. There are lots of ways to contact the Chat service:
- call: 01484 213856
- email:
- or use our Facebook messenger service:
The college’s careers programme is embedded into the school curriculum and careers activities are delivered through tutorials, group sessions, assemblies, drop-down days, employer visits, visits to colleges and universities and one to one appointments with a Careers Adviser.
At the end of Year 7 students will…
- complete a successful transition from primary school without a ‘Year 8 dip’ in performance
- maintain high aspirations and strong engagement in education
- demonstrate career exploration skills and organised thinking about occupations
- know how to recognise and counter stereotyped thinking about careers
- have secure relationships with trusted and familiar adults who can challenge and support them
At the end of year 8 students will…
- feel confident and in control of their choices, plans and actions
- maintain high aspirations and strong engagement in education
- demonstrate career exploration skills and organised thinking about occupations
At the end of Year 9 pupils will…
- demonstrate their continuing personal effectiveness and commitment to learning
- be able to identify their best use of enterprise and employability skills in the year
- feel confident and in control of their choices, plans and actions
- maintain secure relationships with trusted and familiar adults who can challenge and support them
- have made a sustainable decision about what to do at KS4
- be able to reflect on how well they managed their role in deciding on their Year 9 options
- recognise the career and life relevance of KS4 core subjects and the optional subjects they have chosen
At the end of Year 10 pupils will…
- have a secure understanding of the range of post-16 opportunities
- understand how their academic targets could impact on their future educational and career options
- be able to use their participation in work-related and citizenship activities to improve their prospects
- know how to access careers information and advice/guidance now and in the future
At the end of Year 11 pupils will…
- have made a decision about what to do post 16
- have had a 1:1 appointment with a qualified Careers Adviser
- demonstrate career planning and recording skills
- be able to present themselves well in applications and interviews
Published careers policies, programme and information will be reviewed in September 2023.
There are lots of websites to help with careers researching – try for free careers information and links to many other sites. All students have a login, please ask the Careers Adviser if you don’t know yours. There are also tips and templates for making a CV and cover letter and an apprenticeship vacancy search.
For Job Profiles, Labour Market Information and ideas of careers in different industries, try, and
C+K Careers offers a vacancy matching service for Year 11 students looking for apprenticeships or jobs with training. See the Careers Adviser in school to get registered for this. Apprenticeship vacancies can be found at and
The C+K Careers will support Year 11 job seekers in the Kirklees area finding and sustaining apprenticeships and employment. The Careers Adviser will make referrals to the programme as appropriate.
You can see detailed course information for local schools and colleges at:
These local training providers have apprenticeship vacancies for school leavers: –
We are keen to involve employers in our careers education programme. We regularly have employers in school for mock interviews, assemblies or workshops to small groups of targeted students. If you are an employer and would like to be involved in our programme, please contact Debra Casson on 01484 242000 or to discuss how we can work together.
Helping with careers advice and navigating the different opportunities post 16 can be confusing for parents, so the Careers Adviser attends Year 9 Options Evening and Year 10 and 11 Parents’ Evenings to help answer any questions.
General advice and support is available at: My Directions
Apprenticeship Info for Parents: Apprenticeship Pack for Parents – July 2024
Help support your child with future decisions: Futuregoals
If parents and carers have any careers or progression related enquiries they are welcome to contact Debra at any time on 01484 242000 or

Louise Henry | Careers Leader
Debra Casson | C+K Careers Adviser | 01484 242000 |
Julian Smith | Governor link for careers